Easy Command

Turn complex commands into an easy task.

Remove the “Hidden” and “System File” attributes from the file:
ecmd.exe -show <File Path>
Delete file immediately.
ecmd.exe -del <File Path>
Terminate specified task, can be used with (-F).
ecmd.exe -kill <Task Name>
Change files extension, can be used with (-S).
ecmd.exe -cext <Folder Path> <Target Extension> <New Extension>
ecmd.exe /cext c:\temp .exe .zip
e.g. Remove suffix:
ecmd.exe /cext c:\temp .exe “”
e.g. Set suffix if files do not have one:
ecmd.exe /cext c:\temp “” .exe
Delete files that have extension, can be used with (-S).
<Folder Path> <Target Extension>
ecmd.exe -dext c:\temp .zip
Replace characters in files name, can be used with (-S), characters case is sensitive.
<Folder Path> <Target Text> <New Text>
ecmd.exe -rchs c:\temp new Old
ecmd.exe -rchs c:\temp new Old
ecmd.exe -rchs c:\temp new.txt Old.wri
e.g. Remove “Copy” word:
ecmd.exe -rchs c:\temp Copy “”
Quiet mode, hide error messages and objects.
Include subdirectories.
Delete file on reboot.
Use force.
Show about.
Show help command.
Use “” to input path with spaces.
Using system variables: %systemroot% == c:\windows
ecmd.exe /del %systemroot%\d.com
ecmd.exe /del %systemdrive%\d.com
ecmd.exe /del c:\filename
ecmd.exe del c:\filename
ecmd.exe /DEL c:\filename
ecmd.exe DEL c:\filename
ecmd.exe /del c:\d.com /r
ecmd.exe /show c:\d.com
ecmd.exe /kill iexplore.exe
ecmd.exe /kill iexplore.exe /f
ecmd.exe /del c:\d.com
ecmd.exe /kill iexplore.exe
ecmd.exe -dext c:\MyDoc .tmp /q
ecmd.exe /cext c:\MyMusic .mp3 .wav
ecmd.exe -rchs c:\temp copy “”
ecmd.exe -rchs c:\temp copy dub
License: Freeware
Releasing Date: 03/11/2008 – DD/MM/YYYY
Last Update: 19/8/2011 – DD/MM/YYYY
Download Easy Command v0.65:
ECmd.zip 42 KB
ECmd.rar 42 KB

I believe ideas should become a reality or it will be vanished. I founded ZeroIdeas to make my ideas real by creating smart, small & free software. Most of my applications were because of my needs in my career as IT. I fine that ITs in need to a lot of portable applications that do not need framework and can be preconfigured. For example I used Autorun Detector, Cleano and User Temp Cleaner in group policy or unattended setup with preconfigured registry setting for Cleano and Autorun Detector. Creating application is a kind of hobby more than career so I created a lot of applications that are not one the website.